Friday, December 19, 2008

Rick Warren, What's the Big Deal??

President-elect Barack Obama has chosen California pastor, Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration in January.  I've seen many articles criticizing Obama for this choice.  Why?

This article on written by Kathryn Kolbert states that Warren doesn't "deserve" the special honor of giving the invocation because he is pro-life, supported prop 8, and opposes stem cell research.  And??  What the heck do people expect?  A Christian pastor who is pro-choice, didn't support prop 8 and is gung ho about stem cell research?  Give me a break! Personally, I don't like this choice because Warren wrote what is absolutely the most stupid book I've ever attempted to read.  "The Purpose Driven Life".  What a total waste of paper.  If you're Christian, you have all the purpose you freakin' need people!  But, I'm digressing.

If Obama is of the Christian faith, it makes sense that he would choose a Christian pastor to do the invocation.  I think it would be rather hard to find a pastor that supports all of these issues. I guess he could choose a homosexual pastor who supports gay marriage but most likely he will not support the other two issues.  Also, she gave absolutely no credit to Warren for all of the good he and his church have done in the world.  Frankly, I'm tired of Christians being slammed all the time for the beliefs we hold.  I don't shove my beliefs down any one's throat but that doesn't mean I'm going to compromise them either.  I think homosexual couples should be allowed to marry.  In my mind, it's a civil rights issues.  My religious beliefs about homosexuality don't have to be everyone else's beliefs.  I would never, under any circumstances, choose to have an abortion but the Supreme Court has made the decision.  Sometimes personal, religious beliefs don't mesh with modern day laws.  Obama was slammed a few months ago for Reverend Wright and his so called "hate sermons."  Now, he slammed for picking someone who in the world of Christianity at least, is considered a watered down, moderate Christian.  Obama is "damned if he does and damned if he doesn't."  Lay off of Obama.  He fought a long, hard campaign and he won.  Let him choose whoever he wants to do the invocation.

"Obesity Tax"

As always, once government decides to "solve" a problem and dictate personal behavior, it ends up being a complete disaster. Now, Governor of New York, David Paterson, (yeah the blind guy that SNL made fun of) has decided to introduce the "Obesity Tax". See article here.

So, now all soft drinks (non diet) and juice drinks that are less than 70% real juice will be taxed 18%.  The governor likens this to the supposed success of the cigarette tax.  There are several flaws I see in this argument.  Of course, my regular readers realize how I feel about the subject of being obese in America.  And, don't get me wrong.  I cringe when I see kids drinking soft drinks.

1.  The obese are "taxed" enough in this country by the onslaught of stigmatization they face on a daily basis.  (Kids included)
2.  You cannot govern personal behavior.  To say that the cigarette tax is the ONLY reason that smoking has declined does not take into account the change in attitudes toward smoking and smokers in this country.  People will still drink alcohol, smoke and drink regular coke even if they pay a higher tax.
3.  What about the junk food in the schools and the crap food that parents are serving them at home?  
4.  What about parents who use the T.V. as their babysitter and have kids who NEVER go outside and actually play??
5.  How about not taking P.E. class time out of the schools so the kids can spend useless time trying to pass standardized tests that don't really measure learning?
6.  How about teaching our children moderation.  How about parenting them and saying "no" when they need to hear it.  (This would probably be good in areas other than eating as well!)

So, in my opinion, this is just another useless tax that will do little to change the actual problem of childhood obesity.  Parents need to parent.  Parents have to teach their kids moderation and slap their hand once in a while when they get in the cookie jar one too many times.  The government cannot solve this problem.  This problem will only be solved in the homes of America when we decide it's time to take personal responsibility and govern ourselves.

Monday, December 15, 2008

"The Christmas Shoes"

Lordy be, I just hate that song. "I want her to look beautiful in case mama meets Jesus tonight." Puh-lease. Do not try to play on my emotions, I really hate that, which is why I cannot stand the stupid song. UGH...

Me Too, Me Too!!

I realize that he's the President of the United States, but I admit, I laughed my booty off when I saw this video yesterday...

Oh gosh, I laugh every time I see it. I guess the secret service is tired of him too since it took the second shoe almost landing on his head for them to even get up!! Also, you know this reporter will be the newest "detainee" at Gitmo! Well, I know he's the President and a certain amount of respect goes along with that title but honestly, I'm jealous. I want to try it too! I'm envisioning a new game at the State Fair this year!! AND..look at "W"! He's got some serious moves that probably saved him from a major black eye! (Although, his legacy is not so lucky!)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Past

I love satellite radio, especially at Christmas when I can listen to non stop Christmas music on the "Holly" channel...

It drives my Boo crazy but he listens because he knows I love it. There are a few songs that come on that I will sing away to and he's like "who is that?" What's "band aid?" Wham??!?? So, Boo, here you go...some oldies but goodies...

Band Aid! The 1984 phenomenon. Yes, that's Bono, George Michael, Duran Duran, Phil Collins etc...

Now, for my absolute favorite...Wham!, Last Christmas...

Love that one! Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Senator Kennedy?

I read that Caroline Kennedy is very interested in Senator Clinton's seat when she is confirmed as the new Secretary of State for President-elect Obama.  

Why do I get the feeling that some think she would do a good job merely because her last name is Kennedy?  I don't really know much about her education, career, etc. but I can't help but think that if her name were not Kennedy, we wouldn't be talking about her taking Senator Clinton's seat.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's a real tree this year Charlie Brown...

Yes, I have my very first real Christmas tree this year. It's our eclectic tree this year. We have our lovely Lenox snowflake ornaments, various ornaments that we've collected from different vacations to New York, hand blown glass ornaments from my Boo's granddad from over the years and our Swarovski crystal star ornaments that I love so much.

This was before we pushed it back in the corner.  It turned our pretty cute and putting up each ornament is like going back and remembering the time you bought it or the person who gave it to you.  I love that.  I always write on the box when the ornaments were bought, the date and where they were purchased.  Unless, of course, someone gave it to us, then I record that information.  I didn't do the Radko tree this year.  There's just not enough room for a huge tree like that.  I will be making my stop at North Pole City in Oklahoma City on our way to Kansas to peruse their Radko collection.  They have a great selection and unique Radko's that you can't find anywhere else.  Maybe next year they will an appearance.  Normally, we have about four trees, each with their own themes.  The Radko ornament tree, the Lenox tree, etc..  But, for this year, less is more (we only have 500 lights on this tree if you can believe that!) and I'm perfectly happy with "less"...

Nintendo Wii

While babysitting the Binjo children Friday night, I got to see them in action with their Nintendo Wii.  It was so fun.  Not only were they having fun, but they were moving and sweating while they were doing it.  I know that sounds crazy but they were playing these games and swinging their arms, kicking their legs and jumping up and down.  It's not a replacement for playing outside but it sure works on a cold Friday night!  It was completely entertaining to watch and even more fun to do...  I totally have to have one!