Friday, April 2, 2010

Already Wanna Jump Ship

Yes, it's day 2 and I already want to jump ship and eat out. When you drive by a "Taco Bell" and think, "hum...that sounds good", you know it's bad!

Yesterday, day one, was not so bad. We were at work and the boss brought in a nice pizza/salad lunch for all of us. We didn't pay for it so it didn't count as "eating out" for us. Yesterday, my Boo and I both decided to get sick so last night we were both feeling bad enough that dinner really was no big deal. Today, I felt better but my Boo is still running a fever and not feeling good. He has slept a lot today and of course, I've been dreaming about eating out. I even got a little fussy this afternoon at the thought of trying to decide what to make for dinner and then having to clean up after making it! I think I literally whined about it. I have to remember that this is also how it was when I first gave up sodas. Well, I was actually in tears by day 2 on that one but whatever, it was bad!

So, I eventually sucked it up and made something at home! I think weekends will be the hardest time for us. That's when we normally eat out and it's the time when I'm busy catching up on all the things I don't have time for during the week which means I don't have time to cook either. Work and School keeps me running during the week so my weekends are precious time to me and I don't want to spend it in the kitchen (any more than I already do keeping it clean)! So, it will be a challenge to prioritize my time and try to make the time to eat at home.

Well, tomorrow is Day 3. 28 more days to go!