Saturday, March 29, 2008

Beijing Olympics

Should we boycott the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing? Well, as much as I feel for the athletes who spend their lives preparing for competition, I think that it is a moral wrong to allow international competition that attracts many tourists and millions of dollars to a country that has so vile a reputation for human rights violations. Of course, if the United States were to boycott the games, it would be a way for us to peacefully protest. I'm not so sure America knows how to do that and, let's face it, in America it's all about "winning the gold", and showing our athletic prowess to the world. I would be very surprised indeed to see America boycott these games. Also, I think the members of the Olympic Committee should be tested for mental defects for even allowing China to be in contention for the games.

So, once again, America will help funnel millions of dollars to communist, fascist or just plain oppressive regime's who don't respect human rights. Be it China or Saudi Arabia etc, etc, etc.

1 comment:

photog said...

It's all about the money!

The biggest reason the US et al will not boycott the 2008 Olympics is that China is such a major player on the world economic stage. They possess a huge untapped market for consumer goods. For example, GM's Buick is currently China's number one auto importer. The US, with its already negative trade deficit, doesn't want to risk angering a potentially huge importer of US goods.