Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Honda Sends Detroit Scrambling!

I read an article on today that said "Honda would send Detroit scrambling" with it's new hybrid offerings in 2009. Apparently, Honda has several new hybrids being introduced and they are vowing to keep the cost difference between the regular and hybrid vehicles to a mere $1900.00. Some hybrid versions can increase the cost of a vehicle by $4800.00 or more. Of course, my thought was, "tell me something I don't already know" or "what's new?" Honda and other foreign automakers have had Detroit by their privates for a long time now. When is "Detroit" going to wake up? American automakers have completely lost their innovation, and frankly, they seem to have no clue about the pulse of the American car buyer. Don't even get me started about how "quality is NOT job one" with Detroit! Of course, if we don't stop making football and cheerleading more important than math and science in the classrooms of America we're all going to be having Chinese food for dinner every night. Know what I mean?


photog said...

What's wrong with Chinese food? I love Chinese food.

Travis R said...

I got the pleasure of driving a Mercury Milan yesterday, and for a car with 19K miles, the leather was horribly worn, and the interior looked worse than cars with 5 times the mileage and use. It was not aging well, and the controls were very difficult.

Honda introduced the first hybrid, and lost their shirt on it, but they knew it was a needed technology in cars, so they pioneered the effort, hoping someone else would catch on.

and Chinese food is awful. and Honda is Japanese, I can handle their food a little better.

Feisty 'Bama Princess said...

Now, why did I KNOW that this blog would bring out comments from the two of you???

Travis R said...

not sure why...maybe you hit a topic that both of us have been fixated on for, oh, i don't know...forever.