Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leading Ladies v The Best Friend

This is a new name for a concept that my hubby and I heard in the movie "The Holiday" starring the awesome Kate Winslet.  There are "leading ladies" and "best friends" in Hollywood Movies. Some women are leading ladies and some women are best friends.  Another way to put this is "Leaders v. Followers".  My hubby tells me I am a leading lady and that is why I have a hard time working for other leading ladies or leading men.  Needless to say, his boss, and my former boss, was a leading lady, although not a very good one in my opinion.  As you guessed, I no longer work there.  Let's just say there was a major blow up two weeks ago and one last Friday. I am totally incapable of putting up with the B.S. she dishes out.   I gave my two weeks notice and the boss lady told me to leave.  I could rant about her for a while but why bother.

So, the hubby thinks I need to go back to being a leading lady.  I think I need to go back to making money.  One way to solve both issues is to become a mortgage loan officer again.  I left this career less than a year ago thinking I would never go back.  But, for some reason, it always comes up.  Have you ever tried to run away but ended up feeling like the calf in a rodeo?  No matter how fast you run, the rope always makes it around your neck and you get tied back into the situation...  That's how I feel about the mortgage business.  It would be a place for me to go and with A LOT of hard work, I could build a business that would potentially make me A LOT of money (once the market bounces back).  

So, what should I do?  Look for another "follower" position and keep my mouth shut and learn to take it?  Or, should I decide to work hard, not take the easy way out, and go for being a loan officer again?  It would take time to make money and it would take a lot of time, effort and getting out of my comfort zone but it could yield a great payoff for my family.  What do you think?  


Kris said...
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blondie said...

Did you leave mortgage because it made you unhappy? Cause money ain't worth all that.

Feisty 'Bama Princess said...

Good point Blondie. It would pretty much only be for the money..you busted me. :)

Kris said...

feisty -

i see my response has been removed. i hope i did not offend. i don't even remember what i said. if i did offend, my apologies.


Feisty 'Bama Princess said...

KW...Oops...I think I was just playing with the nifty little trash can icon...I haven't figured out how to restore comments, if that's even possible!!

No worries, No offense...I think you just advised me to change my profile or something like that...
