Saturday, August 9, 2008

"We're All Going To Be Eating Chinese Food For Dinner One Day"...

This is one of my many anecdotal little phrases that I use sometimes. Some of you have probably heard me say it and thought, "what is she talking about?"...First, this blog was inspired by many of my friends that have written lately about China. It's probably because of the Olympics and what not.
So, let me say that my little heading is NOT a comment on race. It's meant to say just what it says. This comment springs from my ever increased learning about the country and government of China and how the United States is in this co-dependent relationship with the regime of China.
In short, I think we have to elect leaders that will deal head on with the problem of China, but ultimately it will start with you. With me. Yes, China is a problem. Here's why:
As I said on another blog, our "Wal-Mart" way of life, made possible by cheap products from cheap labor from China is really hurting us. I realize that China has lifted many of their people out of poverty and has raised their level of living but come on. Who's really getting rich here?
China's obvious human rights violations and their basic "f" you attitude with the world about it because everyone has to stay friends with China..
America's continued borrowing to fund our oil consumption habit. What happens when they decide that the note is due or decide to say no? We borrow billions..every single day. Hello, McFly? The same way it's not good for Americans to be dependent on credit cards, it's not good for America, to be dependent on Chinese money. Period. What happens if the American economy gets so bad that we can't buy enough of their products to allow them to have the cash surplus to lend to us? What are we gonna do then? Stop driving at all? Talk about an Energy Plan...
Also, there are approximately 1.3 BILLION Chinese. Their demands on the earth's resources just to feed them is astounding. Of course, the Chinese government uses their money to make countries like Brazil wealthy so they will tear down more of the rain forest to make it into soybean fields so they can continue to feed their nation. They gotta eat though, right? I'm not saying we should starve an entire nation but the Chinese go to countries that need their money to buy it cheaper. It's the old "golden handcuffs" rule. Once you've had the money, you'll do anything to keep getting it even if it means depleting something as environmentally important as the rain forest. Beuller? Beuller?
So, what can we do?
-Buy Local whenever possible! (Food especially so it doesn't travel across the country to get to you!)
-Try your best to find things made in the U.S. even though you won't succeed 99% of the time.
-Make your own energy plan. Curb energy consumption where ever you can.
-Support locally owned businesses. Restaurants, clothing, anything you can buy from a local business owner.
-Buy clothing from re-sale shops...(I need to put this into practice myself!)
-Speak up. Don't just sit on the couch and say how bad it is. Get involved, let your leaders know what you want and be heard.
-Learn - knowledge is power. Learn about where your designer labels, CD's and everything else are made and have your eyes opened.
Consume Less/Consume Responsibly - Do our kids really need 500 different toys? Can they have 2 toys that we pay more for because it's not a cheap chinese product? Stop raising little consumers people! Do we need 15 pairs of jeans? Yes, I hear you now. I've been working on this myself as well. Do we really need all of this junk? When we moved recently we were floored by how much "stuff" we had. We cleansed. Now we're working on not replacing it all....(Yes, I am even going to try to curb my nasty little Christmas Wrap addiction!)

So, do what you can, be aware and read between the lines. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY!!!

Shalom Out!

1 comment:

Kris said...

this post speaks to my post about the light bulbs. we are going to enlarge the china problem when the light bulb legislation passes. ;)

also, one thing on your to do list i want to comment on. consuming less does not do as much good as we think. it is not like by doing this we are storing up energy for later. all the energy we save now is immediately sold to china. they have a huge demand that is growing daily. our 'saving' is sold, not saved.

just fyi