Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fall of U.S.A.

I'm sure most of you have seen this by now, but I thought it was still "blog worthy" for a few reasons.

First, I hate beauty pageants. Why don't we just tell our girls, "See, you really are judged by the way you look and your appearance. Forget about smarts, as long as your body rocks, you're good!" Give me a break. When are we, as a society, going to give this ignorant tradition the boot for good??

Second, this girl is from the Houston area. I've seen her on a few interviews and it was time for a bit of a reality check for her. Let's just say she has a very healthy self-esteem.

Third, I have to admit, it's just funny. Especially since it's the second year in a row. I mean, they spend all this money and time preparing for these pageants and they can't master the basics?

Fourth, this somehow seems to be the perfect metaphor for our country in general.


Travis R said...

If I had to wear those shoes, I would probably fall down too.

photog said...

I would really like to see you in those shoes. Do they make stilettos in size 13?

Travis R said...

no, that is why I would fall, they are too small.