I could get the Crackberry which is very usable and comes in a cool red color. I could get it for free on Amazon. Actually, the phone cost .01 cents and I get a $75.00 rebate so they would pay me to get the phone! But, let's face it, it's not as cool as the iPhone and I'm afraid it won't speak the same language that my MacBook speaks...
So, what to do, what to do??
What do you think? iPhone or Crackberry??
DISCLAIMER: Any comments in favor of the Crackberry may be deleted so that My Boo doesn't see them! Thanks, The Management...
go to www.twiigs.com and create your own poll online ala red.hot.mamma! and her x-files polls.
Great idea Boo! Twiigs poll added!
depends, what do you plan to use it for. Truly for work purposes, or for entertainment.
While the new iPhone has become more friendly with Outlook and other Windows based programs, those that I know with the new one still cite some issues. And, if you have trouble with programming it, or figuring something out, good luck getting AT&T to help you, they have not been trained to assist with the phones basic operations. Leaving you to the manual.
I love my crackberry, as much as you could love a device that makes sure you have no free time. For a work related phone, I don't think it can be beat, but if you are more into the entertainment side of a phone, join the cult, get the iPhone.
I approve of this message, leave it for him to read.
Shermy and I are a house divided...he has an iPhone, but uses a PC. I have a crackberry, but use a Mac. There is a simple sync program to download for Mac to Blackberry synching. I lurve me crackberry, but Shermy's iPhone is cool (he stood in line for 3 hours for the new 3G, not to mention saved his pocket $$ to buy it). He has had some issues getting the Mobile Me software to work correctly--in fact, I heard an NPR All Things Considered segment on the problems. But, it is pretty slick and does some neato stuff. Shermy was waiting until his drug program (E-Pocrates) was available on iPhone before purchasing one--otherwise I'm sure he would have bought one when they first came out.
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