Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rudy Giuliani

I really cannot stand this guy. He doesn't come close to being a "9/11 Hero" so don't get me started on my thoughts about Giuliani and his role in the 9/11 cover up. He's totally unscrupulous in my opinion. And, for a Republican with "moral values" he seems to think it's okay to sneak around NYC with his mistress... What a loser. What a fear monger. What a war monger. The only bigger fear/war monger is Bush himself.

He also called me stupid. He said this election is not about celebrities implying that the American people will vote for who celebrities tell them to vote for... I'm feeling nauseous again.

"Drill Baby Drill" is being chanted by the people at the convention. Oh man, diarrhea is now setting in...

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