Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where In The World Is Sarah Palin?

Thank you Binjo for this one...

Where in the world is Sarah Palin? She's not doing interviews? Why? Well, I think the reason is obvious. She's not "ready" to do interviews because she's a bun who needs a little more time in the Republican oven so to speak.

There is an interesting article about this and a few other things here.

(Yes, I really am up this early blogging!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


In my post I identified you as a liberal in the first sentence. I then transitioned to talk about what I have observed from liberals in general.

I did lump your "opinions" in the Liberal category and I made many generalizations about liberal opinions. I will defend anything that I posted. I am OK with angering you because my opinions are different but I never intended to hurt you. To suggest that our families can not be friends is a bit over the top. We are Christians as are you. That is more important than anything else and it may surprise you but I do love and respect you and your family even if I am adamantly opposed to your political views.

God Bless You!