Monday, September 8, 2008

September 11th

This week is the anniversary of September 11th. Like most, I remember where I was and what I was doing that morning and I remember watching the second tower being hit by a plane on live television. It was a terrible day for our country. I have read many books, watched many documentaries and listened to the opinions of many people about the events of September 11, 2001. I could not get that day out of my mind and just kept asking "how could this happen?" With that question in mind, I delved into anything I could find on the subject of 9/11. This week many of those documentaries and specials I watched will air on television. The History Channel has several that I will be watching again and a few new ones. In my research I also came across many "conspiracy theories" and differing opinions about the events of that day. I encourage everyone to do their own research, watch the documentaries and draw your own conclusions. Many who know me would say I am a "conspiracy theorist" at heart. I don't think of that as a bad thing or an insult. In fact, it's a badge I'll wear. As Americans, it is our duty to question. It is our duty to not necessarily take the government at their word. I think we need to hear all sides, especially with a day like September 11th. Again, just because things may seem far fetched, doesn't mean they are not possible or not true. That's why we research, listen openly and draw our own conclusions. I agree with some and disagree with other alternative theories. The main conclusion that I have come to after my study is that there are many, many, many unanswered questions. Scarier to me than a conspiracy theory is the fact that we do not take the time to question at all...
If you want to take the time and have an open mind, watch the following documentary. I don't endorse everything, but it is thought provoking..

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