Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Intelligent Design

So, it's funny that I heard a news story about Intelligent Design today since I have been thinking about it more since I started taking a science class this semester. The more I studied our world and it's natural order along with the human body in all of it's wonder, I keep thinking, this is not a chemical accident. There is NO way. Just the multitude of processes that the human body performs every day to keep us alive is amazing. Don't even get me started on DNA replication, transcription and translation. It's awe inspiring.
Some scientists say that the more they study science, the less the believe in God. I am the exact opposite. The more I have studied science, the more I believe in God. It's just so amazing, that's all I can say.

So, then comes the idea of Intelligent Design. It's an interesting idea that I want to research more about but there is a new movie starring Ben Stein. You know, "Bueller, Bueller"...(Ferris Bueller's Day Off). Well, he's starring in a documentary about Intelligent Design and how mainstream science and "others" are trying to black list scientists who believe in this idea and keep it under wraps. The documentary is called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and I plan to try to see it soon. I'll let ya know what I think...

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