Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday Night Scrapbooking..

Last night my friend Beth and I went to the crack house for scrapbookers located in Katy. It's a store called Archivers and they have absolutely everything a scraping heart desires! They have these marathon scrapbooking sessions. Women bring all, and I mean all, of their various tools, stickers, pens, rubber stamps, papers etc..and scrap for five hours straight. I saw several ladies make 3 or 4 trips to their car to take stuff out when it was over. My nifty XXL rolling crop bag came in very handy and worked like a charm. Of course, I still had other stuff! Some sessions are "12 hour crops!" So, you pay $15 bucks, they feed you pizza and snacks, put the radio on Sirius Jukebox and keep the store open late for you so you can sit with your gal pals and scrap. This is not where this store makes their money. You, as a registered scrapper, can RUN A TAB while you're at the store scrapbooking. Yes, I said run a tab. It's a bar for the scrapbooking addicted. So, if you're not happy with how a page is turning out, what do you do? Well, you go out to the store and find something that makes you happy of course!! You see someone using a scrapbooking technique you don't know about, what do you do? You learn how to do it and buy all the stuff you need of course! Let's just say I had a little sticker shock when I went to pay my "tab" last night. I was afraid my hubby would make me sell my car or something! But, it was a blast. We had fun talking to the girls next to us and you can get tons of ideas just by looking around your table and learn lots of fun new things.

So, I will be posting a few items for the Christmas wish list. Yes, there were things I actually didn't purchase last night and I still had sticker shock. Thanks Beth, for re-igniting my scrapbooking flame!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun! I did too! I had never thougth of it as a "bar" for the scrapping addicted, but you are exactly right. Harumph.