Wednesday, October 15, 2008

History For Kids (Big and Small)

I confess, I love School House Rock. I remember watching these on TV when I was just a wee child. (Meaning a very long time ago). I am amazed at how much kids and adults can learn from these little three minute singing cartoons. They are so clever and full of great subject matter. For instance, I was singing the Preamble to the Constitution before I even knew what it was...

"The Preamble" is hands down my favorite School House Rock episode!
Many of these episodes deal with American history like this old favorite...

They also teach children (and remind adults) of very important principles. I think this one is valuable for us to remember at this time...

My favorite line in that, "anyone can be President no matter skin or religion." It would do us all well to remember that right now...

School House Rock also teaches government, math and grammar. I even saw one that explains Wall Street and Investing!! If I ever have kids, these will cartoons will be "must see TV" in our house.

1 comment:! said...

Ah SHR. I loved "I'm just a bill and I'm sittin' on top of Capitol Hill..." I think that was in the movie Reality Bites, which I saw with my younger sister when I was in college and she was a freshman in high school. I remember saying something about SHR and she had no idea what it was. That's when I realized that our 5 year age difference really was somewhat of a generation gap. How did she know remember SHR from Saturday mornings?