Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Let's Discuss "Elitism"

So, I see on CNN this afternoon that Sarah Palin now thinks that the reason people don't like her is that she is a "regular gal" running for the Vice Presidency and that the "elitist" don't want her to succeed.

First, I would think that an "elitist" would be one, like for instance, McCain, who can't even remember how many homes he owns. I know exactly how many homes I own. I own one. If I owned fifty, I would know that also. Sounds like the pot ticket calling the kettle ticket black. I also think that anyone who owns a 14 bedroom, 13 1/2 bath, six + car garage, air condition play house, 15,000 square foot house is probably part of the "elite." Well, when I think of "elite" that's close to what would come to my mind.

Second, "elitism" has nothing to do with my dislike of Sarah Palin. Guess what Sarah. I'm a "regular gal" and I don't like you because you're not the right person for the job, period. I don't like her because she wants to be a "pit bull in lipstick" which is, in my opinion, an insult to women. Why does she feel she has to act like that to be taken seriously (skirt and all)? Maybe she's doing it for McCain since he can't or won't do it himself. Now Palin is saying that she's just like "Joe six pack" Americans. Well, she's not like me. I'm much more well informed than she ever was before her "debate boot camp." And, now, when asked by Katie Couric, which magazines she read in order to be informed about world matters, she can't even remember them. My guess is that's because she was too busy "moose hunting" and "fishing" to keep track of anything outside of Alaska. Oh, except keeping her eye on Russia! You know what I read when I read magazines? Newsweek, Time, Chronicle, and oh, my Scrapbooking magazine!

I seriously cannot wait for this debate....

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